
Node Types


An OpenStack server.

Derived from: cloudify.nodes.Compute



default: {}

see Openstack Configuraion

name to give to the new resource or the name or ID of an existing resource when the use_external_resource property is set to true (see the using existing resources section). Defaults to ‘’ (empty string).
The image for the server. May receive either the ID or the name of the image. note: This property is currently optional for backwards compatibility, but will be modified to become a required property in future versions (Default: ‘’).
Cloudify’s management network name. Every server should be connected to the management network. If the management network’s name information is available in the Provider Context, this connection is made automatically and there’s no need to override this property (See the Misc section for more information on the Openstack Provider Context). Otherwise, it is required to set the value of this property to the management network name as it was set in the bootstrap process. Note: When using Nova-net Openstack (see the Nova-net Support section), don’t set this property. Defaults to ‘’ (empty string).

default: False

If use_external_resource is true and the resource is missing, create it instead of failing.


default: {}

key-value server configuration as described in OpenStack compute create server API. (DEPRECATED - Use the args input in create operation instead)

The flavor for the server. May receive either the ID or the name of the flavor. note: This property is currently optional for backwards compatibility, but will be modified to become a required property in future versions (Default: ‘’).

default: False

A boolean describing whether this server image supports user-password authentication. Images that do should post the administrator user’s password to the Openstack metadata service (e.g. via cloudbase); The password would then be retrieved by the plugin, decrypted using the server’s keypair and then saved in the server’s runtime properties.


type: boolean default: False

a boolean for setting whether to create the resource or use an existing one. See the using existing resources section.


This type has the same properties and operations-mapping as the type above (as it derives from it), yet it overrides some of the agent and plugin installations operations-mapping derived from the built-in cloudify.nodes.Compute type. Use this type when working with a Windows server.

Additionally, the default value for the use_password property is overridden for this type, and is set to true. When using an image with a preset password, it should be modified to false.

Derived from: cloudify.openstack.nodes.Server



type: cloudify.datatypes.AgentConfig default: {'port': 5985}

(updates the defaults for the agent_config for Windows)


default: True

Default changed for derived type because Windows instances need a password for agent installation


default: windows

(updates the os_family default as a convenience)


Derived from: cloudify.nodes.Root



default: {}

endpoints and authentication configuration for Openstack. Expected to contain the following nested fields: username, password, tenant_name, auth_url, region.

the name that will be given to the resource on Openstack (excluding optional prefix). If not provided, a default name will be given instead. If use_external_resource is set to “true”, this exact value (without any prefixes applied) will be looked for as either the name or id of an existing keypair to be used.

default: False

If use_external_resource is true and the resource is missing, create it instead of failing.


default: {}

the keypair object as described by Openstack. This parameter can be used to override and pass parameters directly to Nova client. Note that in the case of keypair, the only nested parameter that can be used is “name”.



the path (on the machine the plugin is running on) to where the private key should be stored. If use_external_resource is set to “true”, the existing private key is expected to be at this path.


type: boolean default: False

a boolean describing whether this resource should be created or rather that it already exists on Openstack and should be used as-is.


Derived from: cloudify.nodes.Root



default: {}

endpoints and authentication configuration for Openstack. Expected to contain the following nested fields: username, password, tenant_name, auth_url, region.

name to give to the new resource or the name or ID of an existing resource when the use_external_resource property is set to true (see the using existing resources section). Defaults to ‘’ (empty string).

default: {}

Required parameters are (container_format, disk_format). Accepted types are available on http://docs.openstack.org/developer/glance/formats.html To create an image from the local file its path should be added in data parameter.


default: False

If use_external_resource is true and the resource is missing, create it instead of failing.

The openstack resource URL for the image.

default: False

a boolean for setting whether to create the resource or use an existing one. See the using existing resources section.


Derived from: cloudify.nodes.SecurityGroup



default: {}

endpoints and authentication configuration for Openstack. Expected to contain the following nested fields: username, password, tenant_name, auth_url, region.

name to give to the new resource or the name or ID of an existing resource when the use_external_resource property is set to true (see the using existing resources section). Defaults to ‘’ (empty string).

default: []

key-value security_group_rule configuration as described in http://developer.openstack.org/api-ref-networking-v2.html#security_groups


default: False

If use_external_resource is true and the resource is missing, create it instead of failing.


default: {}

key-value security_group configuration as described in http://developer.openstack.org/api-ref-networking-v2-ext.html#createSecGroup. (DEPRECATED - Use the `args` input in create operation instead)


default: False

a flag for removing the default rules which https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Neutron/SecurityGroups#Behavior. If not set to true, these rules will remain, and exist alongside any additional rules passed using the rules property.


type: boolean default: False

a boolean for setting whether to create the resource or use an existing one. See the using existing resources section.


type: string

SecurityGroup description.


Derived from: cloudify.nodes.Router



default: {}

endpoints and authentication configuration for Openstack. Expected to contain the following nested fields: username, password, tenant_name, auth_url, region.

name to give to the new resource or the name or ID of an existing resource when the use_external_resource property is set to true (see the using existing resources section). Defaults to ‘’ (empty string).

default: False

If use_external_resource is true and the resource is missing, create it instead of failing.


default: True

A boolean which determines whether to use the Cloudify Manager’s external network if no other external network was given (whether by a relationship, by the external_network property or by the nested external_gateway_info key in the router property). This is only relevant if the manager’s external network appears in the Provider-context. Defaults to true.


default: {}

key-value router configuration as described in http://developer.openstack.org/api-ref-networking-v2.html#layer3. (DEPRECATED - Use the `args` input in create operation instead)

An external network name or ID. If given, the router will use this external network as a gateway.

type: boolean default: False

a boolean for setting whether to create the resource or use an existing one. See the using existing resources section.


Derived from: cloudify.nodes.Port



default: {}

endpoints and authentication configuration for Openstack. Expected to contain the following nested fields: username, password, tenant_name, auth_url, region.

name to give to the new resource or the name or ID of an existing resource when the use_external_resource property is set to true (see the using existing resources section). Defaults to ‘’ (empty string).
may be used to request a specific fixed IP for the port. If the IP is unavailable (either already taken or does not belong to a subnet the port is on) an error will be raised.

default: False

If use_external_resource is true and the resource is missing, create it instead of failing.


type: boolean default: False

a boolean for setting whether to create the resource or use an existing one. See the using existing resources section.


default: {}

key-value port configuration as described in http://developer.openstack.org/api-ref-networking-v2.html#ports. (DEPRECATED - Use the `args` input in create operation instead)


Derived from: cloudify.nodes.Network


name to give to the new resource or the name or ID of an existing resource when the use_external_resource property is set to true (see the using existing resources section). Defaults to ‘’ (empty string).

default: {}

endpoints and authentication configuration for Openstack. Expected to contain the following nested fields: username, password, tenant_name, auth_url, region.


default: {}

key-value network configuration as described in http://developer.openstack.org/api-ref-networking-v2.html#networks. (DEPRECATED - Use the `args` input in create operation instead)


default: False

If use_external_resource is true and the resource is missing, create it instead of failing.


type: boolean default: False

a boolean for setting whether to create the resource or use an existing one. See the using existing resources section.


Derived from: cloudify.nodes.Subnet



default: {}

key-value subnet configuration as described at http://developer.openstack.org/api-ref-networking-v2.html#subnets. (DEPRECATED - Use the `args` input in create operation instead)


type: boolean default: False

a boolean for setting whether to create the resource or use an existing one. See the using existing resources section.


default: {}

endpoints and authentication configuration for Openstack. Expected to contain the following nested fields: username, password, tenant_name, auth_url, region.


default: False

If use_external_resource is true and the resource is missing, create it instead of failing.

name to give to the new resource or the name or ID of an existing resource when the use_external_resource property is set to true (see the using existing resources section). Defaults to ‘’ (empty string).

Derived from: cloudify.nodes.VirtualIP


name to give to the new resource or the name or ID of an existing resource when the use_external_resource property is set to true (see the using existing resources section). Defaults to ‘’ (empty string).

default: {}

endpoints and authentication configuration for Openstack. Expected to contain the following nested fields: username, password, tenant_name, auth_url, region.


type: boolean default: False

a boolean for setting whether to create the resource or use an existing one. See the using existing resources section.


default: False

If use_external_resource is true and the resource is missing, create it instead of failing.


default: {}

key-value floatingip configuration as described in http://developer.openstack.org/api-ref-networking-v2.html#layer3. (DEPRECATED - Use the `args` input in create operation instead)


Derived from: cloudify.nodes.Volume



default: {}

endpoints and authentication configuration for Openstack. Expected to contain the following nested fields: username, password, tenant_name, auth_url, region.

name to give to the new resource or the name or ID of an existing resource when the use_external_resource property is set to true (see the using existing resources section). Defaults to ‘’ (empty string).

type: boolean default: False

If a Server instance is connected to this Volume by a relationship, this volume will be used as the boot volume for that Server.


default: False

If use_external_resource is true and the resource is missing, create it instead of failing.


default: auto

The device name this volume will be attached to. Default value is auto, which means openstack will auto-assign a device. Note that if you do explicitly set a value, this value may not be the actual device name assigned. Sometimes the device requested will not be available and openstack will assign it to a different device, this is why we recommend using auto.


default: {}

key-value volume configuration as described in http://developer.openstack.org/api-ref-blockstorage-v1.html#volumes-v1. (DEPRECATED - Use the `args` input in create operation instead)


type: boolean default: False

a boolean for setting whether to create the resource or use an existing one. See the using existing resources section.


Derived from: cloudify.nodes.Root



default: {}

endpoints and authentication configuration for Openstack. Expected to contain the following nested fields: username, password, tenant_name, auth_url, region.

name to give to the new resource or the name or ID of an existing resource when the use_external_resource property is set to true (see the using existing resources section). Defaults to ‘’ (empty string).

default: {}

A dictionary mapping service names to quota definitions for a proejct


  neutron: <quota>
  nova: <quota>

default: False

If use_external_resource is true and the resource is missing, create it instead of failing.


default: {}

key-value project configuration.


default: False

a boolean for setting whether to create the resource or use an existing one. See the using existing resources section.


default: []

List of users assigned to this project in the following format:
{ name: string, roles: [string] }

Types’ Common Behaviors


All types offer the same base functionality for the cloudify.interfaces.validation.creation interface operation:

  • If it’s a new resource (use_external_resource is set to false), the basic validation is to verify there’s enough quota to allocate a new resource of the given type.
  • When [using an existing resource](#using-existing-resources), the validation ensures the resource indeed exists.

Runtime Properties

Node instances of any of the types defined in this plugin get set with the following runtime properties during the cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.create operation:

  • external_id the Openstack ID of the resource
  • external_type the Openstack type of the resource
  • external_name the Openstack name of the resource

The only exceptions are the two floating-ip types - Since floating-ip objects on Openstack don’t have a name, the external_name runtime property is replaced with the floating_ip_address one, which holds the object’s actual IP address.

Default Resource Naming Convention

When creating a new resource (i.e. use_external_resource is set to false), its name on Openstack will be the value of its resource_id property. However, if this value is not provided, the name will default to the following schema:


For example, if a server node is defined as so:

    type: cloudify.openstack.nodes.Server

Yet without setting the resource_id property, then the server’s name on Openstack will be server_my-deployment_myserver_XXXXX (where the XXXXX is the autogenerated part of the node instance’s ID).

Using Existing Resources

It is possible to use existing resources on Openstack - whether these have been created by a different Cloudify deployment or not via Cloudify at all.

All Cloudify Openstack types have a property named use_external_resource, whose default value is false. When set to true, the plugin will apply different semantics for each of the operations executed on the relevant node’s instances. Specifically, in the case of the cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.create operation, rather than creating a new resource on Openstack of the given type, the plugin will behave as follows:

  1. Try to find an existing resource on Openstack whose name (or IP, in the case of one of the floating-ip types) is the value specified for the resource_id property. If more than one is found, an error is raised.
  2. If no resource was found, the plugin will use the value of the resource_id property to look for the resource by ID instead. If a resource still isn’t found, an error is raised.
  3. If a single resource was found, the plugin will use that resource, and set the node instance with the appropriate runtime properties according to the resource’s data.

The semantics of other operations are affected as well:

  • The cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.start operation, where applicable, will only validate that the resource is indeed started, raising an error if it isn’t.
  • The cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.stop operation, where applicable, won’t have any effect.
  • The cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.delete operation will not actually delete the resource from Openstack (but will clear the runtime properties from the node instance).
  • The cloudify.interfaces.validation.creation operation will verify that a resource with the given name or ID indeed exists, or otherwise print a list of all available resources of the given type.
  • The cloudify.interfaces.relationship_lifecycle.establish operation will behave as normal if the related node is not set with use_external_resource as true; However if both nodes have this property set to true, the operation will only attempt to verify that they’re indeed “connected” on Openstack as well (“connected” in this case also refers to a security-group imposed on a server, floating-ip associated with a server, etc.).


  • As mentioned in the [Relationships section](#relationships), some relationships take effect in non-relationship operations. When use_external_resource is set to true, the existence of such connections is validated as well.
  • Using an existing resource only makes sense for single-instance nodes.


Not all relationships have built-in types (i.e., some types may simply get connected using standard Cloudify relationships such as cloudify.relationships.connected_to).

Some relationships take effect in non-relationship operations, e.g. a subnet which is connected to a network actually gets connected on subnet’s creation (in the cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.create operation) and not in a cloudify.interfaces.relationship_lifecycle.establish operation - this occurs whenever the connection information is required on resource creation.


A relationship for connecting a server to a port. The server will use this relationship to automatically connect to the port upon server creation.

Derived from: cloudify.relationships.connected_to


A relationship for a port to a security group.

Derived from: cloudify.relationships.connected_to


Derived from: cloudify.relationships.connected_to


A relationship for connecting a port to a subnet. This is useful when a network has multiple subnets, and a port should belong to a specific subnet on that network. The port will then receive some IP from that given subnet.

Note that when using this relationship in combination with the port type’s property fixed_ip, the IP given should be on the CIDR of the subnet connected to the port.

Note: This relationship has no operations associated with it; The port will use this relationship to automatically connect to the subnet upon port creation.

Derived from: cloudify.relationships.connected_to


A relationship for setting a security group on a server.

Derived from: cloudify.relationships.connected_to


A relationship for connecting a subnet to a router.

Derived from: cloudify.relationships.connected_to


A relationship for associating a floating ip with a port. If that port is later connected to a server, the server will be accessible via the floating IP.

Derived from: cloudify.relationships.connected_to


A relationship for associating a floating ip with a server.

Derived from: cloudify.relationships.connected_to


A relationship for attaching a volume to a server.

Derived from: cloudify.relationships.connected_to